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Bas Bleu Top INTENSE-TOP 70 blouse with straps with a longer cut šedá M unisex

Bas Bleu Top INTENSE-TOP 70 blouse with straps with a longer cut šedá M unisex

16,79 €
Sports top with a print on the outside. The PLUSH-ZERO (PZ) ARCHROMA material is fully opaque, elastic and shaping the figure. This material has functional properties and is therefore referred to as breathable, because thanks to the use of a special chemical modification of the fiber structure from ARCHROMA, it has significantly increased air throughput and moisture removal properties from the body. The PLUSH-ZERO ARCHROMA material is made of yarns from renowned manufacturers with the international Oeko-Tex certificate.
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Sports top with a print on the outside. The PLUSH-ZERO (PZ) ARCHROMA material is fully opaque, elastic and shaping the figure. This material has functional properties and is therefore referred to as breathable, because thanks to the use of a special chemical modification of the fiber structure from ARCHROMA, it has significantly increased air throughput and moisture removal properties from the body. The PLUSH-ZERO ARCHROMA material is made of yarns from renowned manufacturers with the international Oeko-Tex certificate.

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Bas Bleu Top INTENSE-TOP 70 blouse with straps with a longer cut šedá M unisex
Bas Bleu
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